Inspired by lift-the-flap kids books. I dry embossed the door panels. The stairs are strips of cardstock cut at different lengths and then layered. I used the A Muse Snow Purse for the planters below the trees. Scribbled with a blue marker for a faux glare on the windows. Sharpie poster paint marker and Art Glitter for snow. When you open the door, you find.....

Patch! Here he is as Spot from the children's
Spot books by Eric Hill. This side of the door was also dry embossed. Patch, etc are stamped on a piece of vanilla cardstock and then adhered to the front of the card over an extra half inch tab of cardstock on the door.
love your last 3 cards! you are the cardmaster scoopy dooby doo!!
now isn't this too creative!! love it!!
You are the best! I LOVE the door!
holy.....nerd!!! LOL!!!!
I love it!! This is so freakin' cute girlfriend!!
You are truly AMAZING! Who knew that Patch was the most versatile stamp that we've ever made? You keep surprising me! LOL!
OMG! This is really creative and what ingenuity! Can't wait to see your next creation. By the way loved Harry the Dirty Dog! Enjoying your book series of cards. ;)
You just continue to make my jaw hit the floor - you are a creative genius! Love it!
waaaay cute!
Love how you used the xmas purse for the tree pot! SO clever!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.....no Wed. Scoopy fix. I'm so so so sad!! I'm just messing with you Scoopy. "We" can give you a day off every now and then. I know your creative mind is probably designing another card or two for your numerous fans!!!!!!!!! Have a great Thursday.
This is just the neatest thing ever!!! You are awesome!!! :)
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